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Getting to know auto backup camera Modern designs of cars have given them a nice sleek appearance,but this has come at the cost of safety. The styling trends- the wide rear pillars and smaller back windows which made the cars look better from the outside have made it increasingly difficult for drivers to see what is around their cars,both in driveways and parking lots. Every year,thousands of children are hurt or killed because a driver backing up didn't see them. When the driver puts the car in reverse,a display in the dashboard shows the image from a camera mounted at the rear of the car. Some cars show a simple video feed from the rear camera,while others overlay distance and trajectory lines,the latter of which indicates the path of the car depending on how the wheels are turned. The backup camera systems themselves have wired ones and wireless ones launch x431 pro plus. Whether to go with a wired or wireless system depends on what quality you desire,your budget,and your application. Wireless system's installation is simple since there is no need to run a cable from the rear of the vehicle to the display which resides near the dashboard. However,nowadays it still has issues with reception due to interference caused by WIFI signals OBD2 Scanner,Bluetooth devices,satellite radios and CB radios. Thus,you may not be able to get a picture at all in some high population areas such as neighborhoods and cities. On the contrary,wired systems don't have such annoying and they provide a much higher quality picture and are very reliable. But accordingly,the installation of these units is complicated. When choosing a specific model of backup camera,you need to review three primary elements-picture quality,camera lens and audio. To get pictures with high quality,you'll want a camera that comes with a CCD sensor which is the same sensor used in today's digital cameras other than a CMOS sensors equipped on lower quality backup cameras. As to camera lens,which impacts the overall viewing angle,you should pay attention to its size. Audio capabilities tend to apply for larger vehicles such as RVs. Audio's benefit stands out when someone is assisting in backing the vehicle as you can hear their instructions through a speaker in the display.
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