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How to Replace Rear Brake Pads for Disc Brakes Time For Rear Brake Repair? It's important to know when it's time to replace your rear brake pads. If you have disc brakes in the rear,as do most cars and trucks these days,you can do damage to the discs if you wait to long. That being said,you don't need to replace your rear disc brake pads very often at all. Most of your braking is done with the front wheels,so the rears see very little action comparatively. A visual inspection will tell you whether or not it's time. If you're having your brakes worked on by a shop Car Diagnostic Tool,be sure to check the brakes yourself,or have them shown to you before any repairs or replacements are done. What you'll need: Impact Driver-you can get them at Sears or Napa for about Set of New Brake Pads Can of All purpose grease Can of WD-40 Can of Brakleen A good 3/8 socket wrench 14mm socket Auto Code Scanner,17mm socket,12mm socket,and a 10mm wrench Good Jack and Jack Stands (Safety First) Socket to screw your piston back in Removing the Brake Caliper With your car or truck safely supported on jack stands,remove the rear wheels. Loosen the bolts that hold the brake caliper on,but don't remove them completely yet. You should have something handy to hang the brake caliper out of the way. You don't want to have to disconnect the brake line (lots of brake bleeding) but you don't want to let the caliper's weight pull on the line,either. A bungee cord works well as a caliper hanger. Cleaning Them Up With everything removed,it's a good time to clean all components of the brakes. Dust buildup would affect braking performance,especially when it comes to cooling. Compressing the Piston and New Pads. Now you want to take the brake piston tool you bought or own and screw the piston back in all the way. I myself had to loosen the bleeder screw that's why in the parts list I included a 10mm Wrench. So loosen the bleeder screw and turn the piston in all the way. The first couple of turns are probably goanna be really tight but after that it's easy. Make sure that you have the piston lined up right so that your pad fits on right! Once you have that completed re-tighten the bleeder screw all the way. Now take your caliper brake and bolt it back up. Remember the 14mm goes on top and 17mm on the bottom! Make sure you have the washers that came off of them. Once you've done this slide the brake pads onto the bracket. Take the caliper and slide it over the brake pads. This can kind of be a hassle due to the tight fight but just wiggle it on there a little bit,should slid right on. Put the 2 12mm bolts back into the caliper and tighten them down. Wrapping Up Your Pad Replacement Double check to be sure everything's tight. Now you can put the wheel back on and you're ready to go!
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